Category Archives: Employment Discrimination

NYC LGBTQ Discrimination Lawyer
LGBTQ Discrimination in New York City Our New York City LGBTQ discrimination lawyers represent employees all over NYC in sexual orientation discrimination cases and lawsuits. We have successfully represented individuals related to LGBTQ discrimination, retaliation, and violations of Title VII rights. Our NYC employment lawyers are up to date on the evolving laws in… Read More »

Sex and Gender Identity Discrimination Are Intertwined In New York Law
Sex discrimination and gender identity discrimination are essentially two sides of the same coin, and both can be corrosive to a person’s self-esteem and work productivity. Both types of mistreatment effectively go to the core of who a person is, and insinuate that they are insufficient or inappropriate for their own workplace. If this… Read More »

The New York City Human Rights Law
The New York City Human Rights Law (NYCHRL) was enacted in 1991, with its constitutionality being upheld in 1994 by the state Appellate Court. Ever since then, the NYCHRL has been one of the strongest human rights laws in the United States, offering protections that outstrip its state and federal equivalents. If you have… Read More »

What Are New York’s Laws On Medical Marijuana In The Workplace?
While the U.S. federal government has yet to legalize marijuana use for any reason, more and more states have permitted its sale for both medical and recreational purposes. New York currently permits both, and the state’s Compassionate Care Act (CCA) does establish that holding a medical marijuana card is evidence of a recognized disability…. Read More »

New York Legislature Introduces “SIT Act” In Both Houses
Many New Yorkers have jobs where they are required to be up and around all day – but soon, they may have the ability to get off their feet for short periods of time, if it does not interfere with their work. In September 2022, the Standing Is Tiring (SIT) Act was introduced in… Read More »

New York State Passes “Freelance Isn’t Free” Act
In June 2022, New York’s state Senate passed the Freelance Isn’t Free Act (FIFA), intended to protect freelance and “gig” workers from wage theft and “unfair payment practices” perpetrated by New York companies. This is the state version of a 2017 New York City law which has led to over a thousand cases resulting… Read More »

The Basics Of Disability Discrimination In New York
The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law in 1990, but in this day and age, far too many employers have difficulties accommodating disabled applicants and employees who simply want to earn a living. The law prohibits most employers, as well as state and local governments, from discriminating against disabled people in… Read More »

New Law Ends Forced Arbitration For Sexual Harassment Claims At Work
Before February 2022, victims of sexual harassment in the workplace were generally bound to have their claim handled not by a court, where they could tell their story to a jury of their peers, but by an arbiter, who had much greater leeway to decide the case in favor of their alleged harassers. However,… Read More »

Have I Been Retaliated Against?
As an employee, you have the right to file certain claims if you believe they are warranted – for example, discrimination complaints or ‘blowing the whistle’ on unethical behavior. However, some employers will not react well to your choosing to do so, and may engage in what is known as retaliation, to ‘punish’ you… Read More »

New York City Equal Pay Laws To Be Amended
In January 2022, New York City adopted an amendment to city law that requires future job postings by employers based in the city to include the minimum and maximum salary for the job in question. This will be required both for new hires, and for promotions or potential transfers. This bill establishes that it… Read More »