Category Archives: Employment Contract

Employment Lawyers for Finance Industry: Your Key Resource
Employment Lawyers for the Finance Industry: Your Key Resource In the finance industry, navigating employment-related issues can be complicated, especially when it comes to matters like NDAs, bonuses, and severance agreements. Many professionals overlook the importance of having an employment lawyer with experience in this field. This article will discuss crucial roles employment… Read More »

New York State set to Ban Non-Competes
New York State will join a growing number of states that have prohibited or restricted Non-Competes. Key Take Aways of NY Non-Compete Law: The Non-Compete Ban has recently been passed by both chambers of the New York State legislature; New law will ban non-compete agreements for workers in the State of New York, including… Read More »

Explaining New York Non-Compete Agreements
Most executive employees are considered to be reliable hard workers, and are prized accordingly. However, given their often-specialized knowledge, sometimes they are viewed with suspicion when they depart a company. These employees are seen as so talented sometimes that employers historically would try to regulate their ability to earn a living elsewhere. These “non-compete”… Read More »

Breaches Of New York Employment Contracts
As of this writing, 49 of 50 U.S. states are “at-will” employment states (Montana being the lone exception), meaning that any employee can be terminated for any reason at any time. There are certain exceptions to this rule – one cannot be fired for a discriminatory reason, as one might imagine, and a person… Read More »

Explaining New York Employment Contracts
Most people who work a job in New York are classified as at-will employees, meaning that either the employer or the worker can terminate their relationship at any time, for (almost) any reason. There is, however, a small percentage of employees who work under contract, which gives them a different set of rights and… Read More »

Should I Sign A New York Employment Agreement?
The significant majority of workers in New York work “at will,” which means that they do not have a verbal or written employment agreement with their employers – indeed, most employees in the United States work on an at-will basis. This means that an employee may leave their job, or an employer may terminate… Read More »

Is my New York non-compete agreement valid?
The common-law concept of restraint of trade is an idea that dates back to 18th-century English law, but is still observed in today’s United States. The principle of free trade is a sacred one in U.S. and U.K. law, and restraining it has to be done under very specific circumstances. Restricting trade sometimes happens… Read More »